Monday, October 12, 2015

Debate Americano … Hockey Americano … November 7th meet in Philadelphia …

Debate Americano … well, it’s finally here … the great democratic debate … the one that’s been stalled for two months … the one of six the DNC is restricting to a format that precludes any sense of fairness and/or democracy. It’s pretty difficult to decide who is more deceitful, Debbie-Wasserman Schultz or the candidate herself, Hillary Clinton. Ms. Schultz refuses to answer questions about the number of Democratic debates. She also refuses to address the fact that Bernie Sanders is a democratic-socialist who refused to take corporate coin. Ms. Schultz is there for Hillary, of that there is no doubt. Look at the look she gives Martin O’Malley after he calls for more debates (look at 15:10 of the video) … hilarious.

And check out this particular item of undemocratic procedure. Should the other candidates (there’s only one according to the DNC, at least until Joe Biden declares) choose to have a debate on their own, the DNC will preclude them from debating their choice for their loyal followers. Bernie debates O’Malley and neither can debate Hillary.

Wow, and they have the nerve to talk about the GOP’s attempt to restrict voting?

Anyway, we’ll know more about Hillary’s attempts to appear “authentic” tomorrow night. She’s been practicing mock debates for weeks now. Bernie hasn’t started yet. Let’s face it, he has nothing to fear. His positions have been consistent forever. Hillary, on the other hand, switches positions with each new pole.

Check out Hillary regarding how much past records matter …

Her latest attempts to look more progressive are a joke, but loyal mainstream democrats appear determined to ignore her latest “evolutions” … she’s trying to be Bernie for the sake of gathering his support once/if the DNC is successful in defeating his grass roots campaign. Then the DNC and Hillary both expect progressives to join lockstep with their absolute disgraceful behavior. It’ll be interesting to see how many progressive are willing to REWARD both Hillary and the DNC for IGNORING them yet again.


I don’t think so …

Hockey Americano … Hey, it’s back and today there’s a bonus bunch of games, including the 1:00 p.m. match between the Tampa Bay Lightning (GO BOLTS!) and the Boston Brunettes. Right now the Strangers of New York are looking extremely tough and have to be considered the front runners in their division to maybe repeat winning the President’s Trophy (most points in the regular season), but it’s a long season and injuries mean everything. The Strangers probably wish they had Mats Zuccarello last year vs. the Lightning and the Lightning wish they had an injury free Tyler Johnson in the finals vs. the Blackhawks.

I like the Strangers to win the Metropolitan and the Bolts to win the Atlantic, but anything can happen along the way. What I don’t see is a Canadian team (outside of the bad bagel Montreal Expos) having a shot making it to the Eastern Conference finals.

In the meantime, it’s GO BOLTS!

In the Left Coast conference, I don’t much care which team shows up come the finals. Like most people, I assume the Hawkettes will make it back (assuming Patrick Kane isn’t indicted on rape charges). I don’t know how to gauge that situation because it is a horrendous charge to walk away from if Kane is innocent. On the other hand, if he’s guilty, he wouldn’t be the first sports superstar to get preferential treatment when it comes to an investigative process. On this one, we’ll just have to wait and see how things proceed.

November 7th meet in Philadelphia … the thing about weightlifting is it can be addictive. Last year I dropped 91 pounds over 9 months, but that weight loss required me to preclude going anywhere near a gym, except for the aerobic training that helped cut the calories. Unfortunately, a few months back I couldn’t maintain the 12-step program to stay away from the weights. It has been an absurdly slow process (gaining strength) and an equally absurd fast process (gaining weight). I’m afraid to step on the scale and several attempts to get through a weekend of dieting haven’t fared very well. I suspect I’ve found 40-50 pounds of the lost 91 by now. There’s a meet in Philly on November 7 (way too close for comfort) and my lifting has been for shit of late. Yesterday there was some minor progress but I won’t know for another two weeks whether it’s worth my while to test myself in Philly. The ultimate goal is to achieve some scaled back weightlifting goals on my 60th birthday (June 1, 2016) … so I can’t back off for long on the weights. A normal training cycle is 12 weeks (for me) and I’m well into week 13-14 now. Muscles need to rebuild, but I don’t feel like mine have been tested (and/or cooperating) enough to merit a rebuilding period. We shall see over the next few weeks.
