Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Doc is back!


Disney will never be the same ...

Dear Chaz,

I have returned from the Magic Kingdom and am honestly delighted to be back home in boring New Joizey. We started out with a tour at a petting zoo that just went on and on like lingering death. I mean really, do I look like someone who wants to catch a chicken… or a pig? Even my 5 year old granddaughter wanted no part of these shenanigans.

We followed that up with 2 days at Disney and 1 day at Universal Studios. I would wager that we covered at least 150 miles in those 3 days. On the bright side, Tatiana did get autographs and pictures with “The Princesses”, but when we saw that the waiting time to meet “The Fairies” was 60 minutes we told her that they had all called in sick that day. You can get away with a lot with someone who can’t read.

On the 5th day we went to a water park. In brief, to take the exciting 20 second raft trip down the chutes, you first have to climb the 8 flights of stairs up to the top. I went on 2 of those and then retired to the kiddie pool with the munchkin.

Day 6 was 18 holes of miniature golf and off to the airport where we discovered our flight was delayed for 90 minutes. In all, we were in the airport for about 6 hours, but everyone was so tired it was more relaxing rather than upsetting. At the airport my whackjob magnet kicked in when this skinny chick who worked there proceeded to show me all of her tattoos, much to the annoyance of my little Ecuadorian.

Back to Knucksline:

Your recent “Doc Says” was depressingly magnificent. Halfway through it even I thought I had written it. If I have become that predictable, I’ll have to make some changes fast.

Just because I’m gone does not give you the green light to torture the amicis with multiple operas. We hate it. It sucks. We don’t even play the clips, but get annoyed that they are there. Knock it off!

The Volvo is heavy. We got it. Unfortunately, in our world, except for diamonds, things don’t get better just because they weigh more. I could be cruel here, but I am turning over a new leaf.

A little welcome back music of my own.

Have a great week