Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dow Mossman ... No Meet ... Speaking of Snow ... Charlie Opera ... DOC says ...


Dow Mossman ... a month or so ago we received some very kind words about Johnny Porno from author, Dow Mossman, a close friend of author Ed Gorman (to whom Johnny Porno is dedicated). Being somewhat illiterate about way too much of what has been published over my 53 years, like most people, I knew nothing about Mr. Mossman or his novel prior to Ed’s email. Ed, who is most responsible for my living for another day as a crime writer, is the one who introduced me to the novel and the incredible story behind its resurgence through a documentary. Ed wrote to tell me the good news that Mr. Mossman had read and enjoyed Johnny Porno and also gave me some of the background to Mr. Mossman's The Stones of Summer and their lifelong friendship. I immediately ordered the book and the documentary, but in my excited frenzy had ordered a VHS (the equivalent to an 8-track these days). I eventually had to send the tape back to exchange it for the DVD (which finally came today). The novel itself is a wonderful coming of age story loaded with the rebellion and tragedy we all experience while trying to find ourselves. As was stated in the documentary by a friend of Mr. Mossman’s when answering the question: “Could today’s readers enjoy this novel?”

“What readers will find in The Stones of Summer is eternal.”

I’m still watching the two disc documentary, which has been a wonderful experience and something I absolutely recommend to any book lover and especially any writer. It is calming and inspiring and will provide anyone in the writing game or thinking about the game how unpredictable it all is and how success is much more relative than we can imagine. Professional after professional (including some of the most notable editors and publishers in the history of the business, as well as Mr. Mossman’s agent) discuss why great books like The Stones of Summer (which received great reviews, including a New York Times rave review) sometimes slip through the cracks and disappear. And The Stones of Summer might have disappeared forever if not for the love filmmaker Mark Moskowitz had for the novel; so much so he went about making a wonderful documentary about finding the author behind the great work (which brought about a 300,000 rebirth in sales of the novel).

We’ll review the book in full along with the documentary when we finish rereading it and have some extra time to sit and reflect and absorb the wild ride of Dawes Williams/Dow Mossman (from learning about the raising of greyhounds to the tragedy of losing three friends in a car accident to the wild times in Mexico).

I think some booksellers offer deals on the book and the documentary as a package and that’s one way to go about it. I did what was recommended and bought the book first, read it and am in the process of viewing the documentary ... and the night before what was supposed to be a powerlifting meet, it so calmed my nervous wreck of an ass I forgot I had to get some sleep until one of the officials called to let me know the meet will be rescheduled.

Oh, yeah, that original New York Times book review? Here’s how it starts:

The New York Times Book Review - John Seelye

"The Stones of Summer" cannot possibly be called a promising first novel for the simple reason that it is such a marvelous achievement that it puts forth much more than mere promise. Fulfillment is perhaps the best word, fulfillment at the first stroke, which is so often the sign of superior talent.... Dow Mossman's novel is a whole river of words fed by a torrential imagination.... For me at least, reading "The Stones of Summer" was crossing another Rubicon, discovering a different sensibility, a brave new world of consciousness. "The Stones of Summer" is a holy book, and it burns with a sacred Byzantine fire, a generational fire, moon-fire, stone-fire."

What writer wouldn’t give one of his legs for a review that STARTS like that?

No Meet ... the Jersey States Powerlifting Meet was cancelled this weekend due to the snow storm ... we’ll know Friday of this week when the meet will be rescheduled. All I can say is THANK FUCKING GOD (see why below).

Speaking of snow... there’s nothing quite like having to shovel A LOT OF SNOW two days before a powerlifting meet. Dr. Don Kirdendall suggested I "not forget to warmup before shoveling” and maybe I should’ve. My back was so sore after 50 minutes I could barely stand straight. To help things along, when I finally made it to the back porch, where the snow had managed to reach 16 inches, the wife decided it was a good time to get frisky (or break my shoes); the Principessa stood inside the kitchen with a big smile as she flashed me her cleavage. I could barely breath, never mind get excited (which is probably why she chose to flash me AFTER I shoveled).

That’s what I’m talking about ... but talk is cheap and I was in no condition to do anything but wish I were a much younger man with a lot more gas in the tank.

Charlie Opera ... it took me several tries to get the format correct, but Charlie Opera is now available on Ebooks (all formats) ... Check it out! Cost to read the first half of the book? Nothing, nada, Jack and/or Squat ... and only two fazools ($2.00) for the second half.

I’m currently working on a sequel to the lead character in Charlie Opera (Charlie Pellecchia), but do not have a title yet; Charlie is a few years down the road after his wild and crazy and deadly adventures in Sin City and he’s returned to his native New York. Fed up with those who think themselves above it all, Charlie is fighting the good fight for a couple of women from two different worlds and he’s fighting it the only way he knows how—by throwing caution to the wind. This time a former priest has his back as a lot of pissed off powerful people are looking to take him down.


Preorder Johnny Porno here.

And the DOC says ...

Hey Chazmeister,

This may be a first, but I have a few issues concerning the last Knucksline.

“What write wouldn’t give one of his legs for a review that STARTS like that?”

Perhaps if you actually read what you wrote, you too might get a review that STARTS like that.

The weightlifting tournament was canceled due to the weather?

It stopped snowing 3 days ago! Today was 40 degrees and sunny! You muscleheads are supposed to be macho, tough guy athletes. You cancel your meet because it’s slushy? Maybe you should look into a new sport. You might find more kindred spirits in ice dancing and not to worry, those outfits have a lot of stretch.

Did you see the ObamaCare infomercial this week?

Even MSNBC thought it was too boring and might annoy their 12 viewers.

I was thinking that Knucksline should have a contest. Anybody who can decipher this quote wins $50 or your car.

"I think it requires a little bit of humility to be able to know what the American people think, and I don't, I can't swear I do. I know what I think. I think I know what they think. But I'm not sure what they think." – Joe Biden

Yeah, Chaz, you were right. Sarah Palin is too dumb to be vice president. Thanks to you we end up with Joe “I’ll save money by only putting hair plugs in the front of my head” Biden. Good move on the Bamster’s part though. When you’re not that bright it’s always smart to surround yourself with guys like Joe Biden. So what are we doing this weekend, buddy-boy?

Not to be outdone, Nancy Pelosi says, “A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes.”

Cleavage: Now you’re talking, Chaz. That’s what Knucksline needs. Screw the contest! We got book reviews. We got humor. All we need are big, bouncing BAZOOMS. You and I can go out and buy some red smoking jackets and some pipes and just hang around the mansion all day with silicone-enhanced med school triplets.

Sea World does NASCAR: They say 50% of NASCAR fans go to the races for the car wrecks. Will this be the future for Sea World? After a tiring day at Disney World, folks will head over to Sea World hoping that the serial killer whale will ice another trainer. The corporation already senses a surge in ticket sales and starting in May all trainers will be dressed in baby seal outfits.

WTF: The first half of the book is free, but you have to pay $2 for the second half? Why don’t you make the first 299 pages free, but the last page is $50. Where did you get this brainstorm… the Bernie Madoff School of Literature.

Have a great week, buddy-boy